The Canadian Wood Council (CWC) represents the Canadian wood products industry through a national federation of associations. The Mission of the Council is to expand market access and increase demand for Canadian wood products through excellence in codes, standards, regulations and education.
The CWC provides technical and knowledge transfer services relating to building codes, standards and regulations. The CWC is active in a technical capacity in all areas of the Regulatory System:
BUILDING CODES - CWC participates extensively in the development process of the Building Codes in Canada
DESIGN STANDARDS - CWC holds the Secretariat for Canada's wood design standard (CSA 086 "Engineering Design in Wood"), providing both technical expertise and administrative support for its development
PRODUCT STANDARDS - CWC is involved in the development of Canadian, U.S. and international standards for its wood building product producers
TEST STANDARDS - CWC is involved in developing Canadian, U.S. and internation test standards in aread that affect wood products, such as fire performance
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