The term 'structural composite lumber' refers to either laminated veneer lumber, parallel strand lumber, laminated strand lumber, or oriented strand lumber. These materials are structural members bonded with an exterior adhesive.
The term 'laminated veneer lumber' refers to a composite of wood veneer sheet elements with wood fiber primarily oriented along the length of the member. Veneer thickness does not exceed 0.25".
The term 'parallel strand lumber' refers to a composite of wood strand elements with wood fibers primarily oriented along the length of the member. The least dimension of the strands does not exceed 0.25" and the average length is a minimum of 150 times the least dimension.
The term 'laminated strand lumber', refers to a composite of wood strand elements with wood fibers primarily oriented along the length of the member. The least dimension of the strands does not exceed 0.10" and the average length is a minimum of 150 times the least dimension.
The term 'oriented strand lumber' refers to a composite of wood strand elements with wood fibers primarily oriented along the length of the member. The least dimension of the strands does not exceed 0.10" and the average length is a minimum of 75 times the least dimension.
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